Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Lord Of The Flies Essay :: essays research papers

The book, Lord of the Flys, can be interpreted in m any(prenominal) different ways. Depending on the point of attitude of the reader, William Golding has opinions on man and society. Golding is inaccurate for making the assumption that all people are born with evil within them and are not affected by their surroundings. In the book, the author uses a being called the barbarian to simulate the fear and evil people have inside. The boys on the island apparently see a beast in the forest, which scares them and gives them nightmares. Phil says at a meeting, Last night I had a dream, a horrid dream, fight with things. I was outside the shelter by myself, fighting with things, those twisty things in the trees. Phil had heard things about he beast from other boys, which posed him to have the nightmare. He is a young boy, on an island with no supervision and is shitless of whats is happening to him and where he is. Without thoughts of the beast, provoked from the other boys, Phil would never have experienced this nightmare. Not only the thoughts that the boys think affect them, but the things they see cause them to have evil intentions. Golding used a pigs head on a stick called the lord of the flys as another animation to transmute the thoughts of evil and fear within the boys. Seeing the head causes Simon to have hallucinations of this head talking to him. The Lord of the Flys says . After hearing this, Simon returns to the other boys, who are rallying some a fire, indulged in a victorious chant, and is soon trampled to death by the preoccupied boys. Being away from civilization has driven the boys to near delirium and as any person does, they easily got wrapped up in their success. These kids are too young and inexperienced to be alone in the world without any kind of

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