Friday, April 26, 2019

Political Participation by Latino Non-Citizens in the US Article

Political Participation by Hispanic Non-Citizens in the US - Article ExampleAs the discussion highlightsthe studys resultant figure for the Latino non-citizens political fraternity was an insignificant 3.6%. Though this meager figure indicated less participation, the study still was up to(p) to present other rooms for interpretation of political behavior. For instance, it was found that Latino non-citizens were ab go forth one and a half times more likely to participate in local non-political groups and may indicate a perception of non-political activities as directly relevant and more fun.This paper outlines that political activities and levels of participation were divided up into two types the less demanding activities (i.e., wearing a button or displaying a sign, signing a call for or attending a public meeting) and the more demanding activities (i.e. volunteering for a political campaign and donating silver). The trend for both citizen and non-citizen was similar higher p articipation grade for less demanding activities and lower participation grazes for the more demanding activities. Though the same trend appeared for both, the citizens still have a significantly, higher participation rate a assimilatest the non-citizens.The same figure of 3.6% also opened discussions for the relevance of understanding the variables behind the differences in the level of participation among the Latino non-citizens. The study delved and shed light on this through elaborating how results show that participation is not hit-or-miss.... Though the same trend appeared for both, the citizens still have a significantly, higher participation rate against the non-citizens. The aforementioned figure of 3.6% also opened discussions for the relevance of understanding the variables behind the differences in the level of participation among the Latino non-citizens. The study delved and shed light on this through elaborating how results show that participation is not random (Le al, 2002, p. 369). Moreover, mobile participation lies on at least six of these identified variables 1) how politically-informed non-citizens were 2) the perception on the existing differences among political parties 3) the depth of political interest 4) possession or lack of a strong heathenish identity likelihood of participation for 5) the younger genesis and 6) those planning to naturalize (Leal, 2002, p. 369). The fact that the younger generation was seen as more likely to participate in political activities seemed to correct a former confidence age is seen as a close cousin of education people are thought to gain more information as they age and therefore, grow more likely to participate (Leal, 2002, p. 368). The author pointed out that the proliferation by such younger participators among Latino non-citizens maybe due to the increasing anti-immigrant stance adopted by the American politics (Leal, 2002). In other words, the current political environment created a new spa wn of political activists among the Latino non-citizens. As long as this political environment persists, high political employment should be expected from the young ones of the Latino immigrants. Implications Political knowledge.

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